The fonds consists of Églande Mercier’s diaries, spanning, with gaps, from 1936 to 2010; an autographs book with notes from her friends and colleagues from 1934 to 1940; family papers, including personal correspondence; farm and Mercier & Germaine Plumbing & Heating business papers; material from the Fédération des femmes canadiennes-françaises de l’Alberta, Les Amis du fléché and Sainte-Anne Parish from Edmonton (closed in 2014).
Zonder titelBeaumont, AB
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Copied 1982-1984
The collection consists of images, originally dating 1893 to 1982, of the Beaumont, Alberta area, featuring schools, churches, houses, farms and ranches, sawmills, service stations, post offices, blacksmith/garage, stores, bands, baseball teams and parks, statue installation, landmarks, celebrations and weddings, farm and construction machinery, harvesting and threshing, automobiles, horses, tobogganing, wells, a tug-o-war, families and local pioneers, and views of Beaumont.
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[ca. 1930]
The collection consists of over 30 identified individuals and families from the Leduc and Beaumont area, Alberta. The images also include landscapes, homesteads, Dominion Day celebrations, and agricultural working conditions and equipment.
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