The fonds consists of CCF records created and compiled by Zaseybida over the course of her political career as well as Ropchan family histories and an interview transcript with Zaseybida conducted by historian Olenka Melnyk for her history of the CCF, No Bankers in Heaven: Remembering the CCF.
The CCF material consists of the 1944 constitution of the Alberta section, CCF Speakers’ Notes (1949, 1953, 1957, and 1958), the 1956 Winnipeg Declaration of Principles, the 1933 Regina Manifesto, campaign material from all of Zaseybida’s election campaigns (including pamphlets, posters, and clippings), correspondence, and Zaseybida’s speeches and speaking notes.
There are also Farmers’ Union of Alberta and Farm Women’s Union of Alberta records that include board minutes, convention documents, and issues of The Organized Farmer.