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Archival description
Company Files records
Series · 1886-1999

The series relates to private companies extracting all types of minerals on Crown Land. The records include general correspondence to and from companies and ledgers.

Alberta. Lands and Mines. Mining Lands Branch
Series · 1910-2013

The series relates to the Coal Exploration Program (CEP), whose authorizations give permission to conduct a coal exploration program on public land. The records may include, but are not limited to: authorization and application; amendment and renewal documents; lease/rental documents; checklists; plans, sketches and surveys; financial documents; specific disposition type documents; decision and review documents; inspection reports; termination and reclamation documents; worksheets; legal land searches; forms; and correspondence. The series also includes an atlas entitled "Coal Areas of Alberta" to accompany Estimates of Coal Reserves prepared for the Royal Commission on Coal, 1949 (GR1984.0182).

Alberta. Lands and Mines. Mining Lands Branch
Series · 1933-2013

The series relates to the Surface Material Exploration (SME) program, which grants permission to an individual or company to dig exploratory test holes for surface material. The records may include, but are not limited to: authorization and application documents; test hole location mapping and other test data documents; plans, sketches and surveys; financial documents; specific disposition type documents; inspection reports; termination and reclamation documents; legal land searches; forms; and correspondence.

Alberta. Lands and Mines. Mining Lands Branch
Series · 1933-2013

The series relates to the issuing of Surface Material Leases (SML). A SML is issued for the purpose of extracting surface materials and can only be applied for after the completion of a Surface Material Exploration (SME) program. The records may include, but are not limited to lease and application; assignment, amendment, and renewal documents; lease/rental documents; plans and sketches; test data documents; financial documents; specific disposition type documents; Conservation and Reclamation Business Plan (CRBP); Annual Operating Report; decision review and appeal documents; inspection reports; bonus bid documents; termination and reclamation documents; self-reporting documents; legal land searches; worksheets; forms; and correspondence.

Alberta. Lands and Mines. Mining Lands Branch
Series · 1933-2012

The series relates to the issuing of Surface Material Licences (SMC). An SMC is issued for the removal of surface material from small areas of land, over a short period of time. The records may include, but are not limited to licence and application documents; amendment and renewal documents; lease/rental documents; plans and sketches; test data; financial documents; specific disposition type documents; Conservation and Reclamation Business Plan (CRBP); review and appeal documents; inspection reports; termination and reclamation documents; worksheets; legal land searches; forms; and correspondence.

Alberta. Lands and Mines. Mining Lands Branch
Encumbrances records
Series · 1930-2003

The series addresses encumbrances registered against mineral agreements. The records relate to companies filing a security interest.

Alberta. Lands and Mines. Mining Lands Branch
Transfer agreement records
Series · 1930-2003

The series relates to transfer agreements of mineral rights. The records consist of original agreements between two or more companies.

Alberta. Lands and Mines. Mining Lands Branch
Mining Lands Branch records
Series · 1930-1936

The series consists of records relating to the Mining Lands Branch, which administered the regulations governing the disposal of mineral rights which were the property of the Crown in Provincial and School Lands.

Alberta. Lands and Mines. Mining Lands Branch
Series · 1921-1996

The series consists of petroleum and natural gas lease and licence registers. The registers include the date each posting request was received, the lands being posted, the schedule number that the Crown Mineral Disposition Review Committee (CMDRC) used to identify their concerns, date of the sale in which the posting request is advertised, parcel number designated to request, purchaser's name, bonus paid for parcel, and price per hectare. Some registers (GR1991.0102) also include sketches of cancelled Crown Reserve Drilling Reservations and related Credit Record Registers.

Alberta. Mines and Minerals. Minerals Division
Series · 1930-1995

The series consists of records relating to the general operational functions of Lands and Forests. Primarily correspondence, the records address general operations, applications, land size conversions, bird sanctuaries, shooting grounds, sand and gravel, pits, statistics, provincial parks, and coal mining leases. The records consists of correspondence and ledgers.

Alberta. Lands and Mines. Provincial Lands Administration
Series · 1946-2013

The series relates to Mineral Surface Leases (MSL/DMS). A Mineral Surface Lease is issued primarily for the exclusive extraction of resources through drilling or mining, and for activities directly incidental to the recovery of these minerals. The records may include, but are not limited to Mineral Surface Lease and application; amendment and renewal documents; lease/rental documents; plans, sketches and surveys; financial documents; specific disposition type documents; inspection reports; termination and reclamation documents; worksheets; legal land searches; forms; and correspondence.

Alberta. Lands and Mines. Mining Lands Branch
Series · 1882-1988

The series consists of records relating to the extraction of minerals including coal by private companies. The Mineral Applications are organized by Township, Range & Meridian and include company name, date of issue, and file number. The Mineral Disposition Ledgers contain application numbers in order of township, range and meridian and the company name, but the disposition pages were created to replace the application sheets. Ottawa Registers, which contain applications for all mineral dispositions, are also included. The records include Mineral Application and Mineral Disposition Ledgers, ledger sheets, and microfilm. The series also includes ledgers relating to quartz and placer claims by individuals (GR1992.0534).

Canada. Interior. Minister
Series · 1871-1991

The series consists of records relating to mineral land sales, grants, and leases, including records relating to coal. The series also includes the minutes, agendas and schedules of the Crown Mineral Disposition Review Committee and the Mineral Sales Referral Committee.

Canada. Interior. Minister