The series consists of the administrative and operational records of the Alberta Government Employment Service and its predecessor, the Alberta Government Employment Bureau, pertaining to its work with the federal Employment Service of Canada to manage labour supply and demand in the province.
The administrative records include personnel files and other staffing records; agreements with the federal government; orders in council; expenditures, budgets, vouchers, placement costs, and other financial management records; office accommodation expenses; transportation; office supplies; mailing lists; and other related records.
The operational records include liaison files with the federal government, stakeholder organizations and local employment offices in Calgary and Lethbridge; files related to immigration and deportation of workers; applications for work and for workers; and employment program files related to ex-servicemen including those with disabilities, farm labour, youth employment and training, highways, forestry, and skilled workers during World War II. It also includes a variety of program-related reports, including daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly statistical reports regarding employment conditions in communities as well as summaries of applicants, vacancies and placements for men and women in Edmonton, Calgary, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat and Drumheller.
The series also includes records related to unemployment relief activities undertaken by the Service, including operations of camps, including bush and railway camps, in Calgary, Edmonton, Drumheller and Lethbridge as well as payrolls, grants and other files related to relief initiatives in cities as well as rural communities.
Alberta. Government Employment Service