Showing 1175 results

Archival description
PR1384 · Fonds · 1940-1945

Fonds consists of minutes and a photograph depicting various items of clothing made in the sewing room of the club, located in the home of Ernest E. and Gertrude Poole.

100th Avenue War Service Group
PR2912 · Collection · 1965

The collection consists of four photographs of a building located at 10509- 100th Avenue in Edmonton, Alberta taken by an unknown photographer.

Alberta. Industry and Development. Film and Photographic Branch
1913 Edmonton Souvenir Album
PR3933 · Item · 1913

The album consists of photographs of Edmonton street scenes and Lake Wabamun in the early 20th century.

Unknown donor
PR1595 · Fonds · 1915-1970

Fonds consists of list of alphabetical lists of soldiers in the 51st Battalion and reinforcing drafts, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and reunion tickets.

51st Battalion Association
Abasand Oils Limited fonds
PR1681 · Fonds · 1926-1943

The fonds consists of records regarding the formation, operation and liquidation of Abasand Oils Limited, including agreements, correspondence, financial records, auditor’s reports, share register, reports, newspaper clippings, maps and blueprints.

Abasand Oils
ABC Investment Club fonds
PR1095 · Fonds · 1965-1974

Fonds consist of the business records of the ABC Investment Club and includes membership lists, financial records, constitution, minutes, reports, newspaper clippings, correspondence and various other records pertaining to investment principles and opportunities.

ABC Investment Club
PR1828 · Fonds · [1960]

The fonds consists of 31 photographs, dating from the 1960’s, of patients, staff, and activities at the Aberhart Memorial Sanatorium taken by an unidentified photographer.

Aberhart Memorial Sanatorium
Abortion By Choice fonds
PR4308 · Fonds · 1978-2018

The fonds consists of records that were created or collected by members of Abortion By Choice and include meeting minutes, founding documents, newsletters, newspaper clippings related to group activity, correspondence, publications from CARAL and other abortion rights organizations, and legal documents related to the Edmonton abortion clinic. The photographs were created as evidence and depict anti-abortion protestors near the abortion clinic and the audiovisual records include broadcast television news clips on video cassette and lectures on topics related to abortion, birth control, pregnancy, and women’s health on audio cassette.

Abortion By Choice
Abraham Shnitka fonds
PR0143 · Fonds · 1892-1957, predominant 1940-1957

Fonds consists of Abraham Shnitka’s personal records including Alberta Government calendars and posters, William Aberhart’s handwritten notes about chess given to Shnitka by Aberhart’s wife, and a photograph of William Aberhart.

Shnitka, Abraham
PR2041 · Fonds · 1913-2006

The fonds consists of negatives, slides, photographs and films shot by A.C. Lynn and Amy Zelmer including the Alberta Coal Branch, coal transportation, coal mines, the Edmonton Exhibition, the Castle Hotel fire (in Edmonton), a conference in Banff, the North Western Pulp and Power plant in Hinton, Fort McMurray, an archeological dig at Fort George, a painting class, Inuit Child Development, (produced by the International Communications Institute) and a film by Amy Zelmer (and Harold Alston) about Fort Mackay.

Zelmer, A.C. Lynn
PR3368 · Fonds · 1971-2005

The fonds consists of records for ACCESS TV programs and series over the course of the station's history, including records transferred from the publicly-owned Alberta Educational Communications Corporation when ACCESS TV was privatized. There are audiovisual records as well as textual records that consist of educational material designed to complement the educational programming. There are also microfiche that contain scans of production files for nearly 300 ACCESS TV productions.

Agathe Gaulin fonds
PR3735 · Fonds · 1970-2008

The fonds consists of material relating to the history of the Francophone community and women’s rights in Alberta, either collected or created by Agathe Gaulin. It includes administrative records from associations where Agathe Gaulin volunteered or worked, such as the Association canadienne-française de l’Alberta, Cité Francophone, Fédération des aînés franco-albertains, Fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne, Alliance des femmes de la francophonie canadienne, Fédération nationale des femmes canadiennes-françaises, Centre éducatif communautaire de l'Alberta, Salon d'histoire de la francophonie albertaine, Héritage franco-albertain, Fédération Jeunesse de l'Alberta. Also included are identified photographs of preeminent members or friends of the Francophone community in Alberta.

Gaulin, Agathe
PR2883 · Fonds · [between 1920 and 1929]

The fonds consists of photographs of Alberta including the sites of Edmonton, Gull Lake, Lake Louise, and Banff taken by Agnes Mary Whitney and Helen Gertrude Whitney in the 1920s. The fonds also contains some photographs of family members taken by Agnes Mary Whitney and Helen Gertrude Whitney in the 1920s.

Whitney, Agnes Mary and Helen Gertrude
Ahmad family fonds
PR4049 · Fonds · 1982-2013

The fonds consists of family home movies and recordings of mushera, Urdu poetry readings organized as cultural events for the Pakistani community in Edmonton.

Ahmad family
Aimee Hill fonds
PR2224 · Fonds · 1985

The fonds consists of a history of the Eli Beamer Smith family written by Aimée Hill in 1985 and seven photographs featuring a flood in Edmonton that occurred in 1915 taken by an unidentified photographer.

Hill, Aimée
PR3418 · Fonds · 1915-1925

The fonds consists of church registers of baptisms (1919-1925), marriages (1917-1925), and burials (1919-1925); circuit register (1920-1924); members and adherents (1914-1925); cash books (1922-1925); and a Ladies' Aid treasurer's book (1915-1922).

Albany Avenue Methodist Church
Albert Crux fonds
PR2327 · Fonds · 1907 - 1911

The fonds consists of two diplomas inscribed to Albert Crux originating from the Alberta College of Physicians and Surgeons in 1907, and the University of Toronto in 1911.

Crux, Albert
Albert Donnelly fonds
PR2339 · Fonds · 1993

The fonds consists of 2 audio cassette recordings of an oral history conducted by the Old Strathcona Foundation with Albert Donnelly.

Donnelly, Albert
Albert Johnson fonds
PR3798 · Fonds · [194-]-1985

The fonds consists of records related to Albert Johnson’s time at the Charles Camsell Hospital in Edmonton and includes reunion programs, The Camsell Mosaic history book and a letter on contributing to it, Veteran’s Hospital newspapers, and photographs of patients and nurses.

Johnson, Albert Leander
Albert S. LaRue fonds
PR0596 · Fonds · Copied 1972-1976

Fonds consists of a copied oral history of Piotr Topczewski, a polish farmer in Hansen Corner, Alberta, conducted by Albert S. LaRue, copies of the Alberta citizens registration covenant dating ca. 1932, photographs depicting the Holy Family Seminary at St. Albert, Alberta, the first St. Albert city council, and various stores and hotels in Edmonton, St. Albert, Athabasca, Alberta, dating 1900-1908. It includes also a photograph of the store (built 1908) owned by Segismond and Theodore LaRue in Winterburn and the residence of Theodore LaRue (built 1913), with Athala LaRue in doorway.

LaRue, Albert S.
Albert "Scotty" Munroe fonds
PR1491 · Fonds · Copied 1984

The fonds consists of images of the Alberta Avenue Community League hockey team (1928), the H.A. Gray Public School Skating Relay Champions (1930), the Edmonton Capitals hockey team (1930-1931) and the Canadian Hockey Club (1934-1935).

Munroe, Albert "Scotty"
Albert Seymour fonds
PR1293 · Fonds · [ca. 1913]

Fonds consists of panoramic photographs depicting views of Edmonton, Alberta.

Seymour, Albert
PR2226 · Fonds · 1981-1996

The fonds consists of Vol.1, no. 1 - Vol. 15, no. 4 (1981-1996) of Bright Notes, the newsletter of the Alberta Association for Bright Children, Edmonton Chapter.

Alberta Association for Bright Children. Edmonton Chapter
Alberta Ballet fonds
PR3742 · Fonds · 1925-2018

The fonds consists of board of directors records such as minutes, handbooks, and correspondence; executive director records such as correspondence, grant applications, and annual reports; artistic production records such as programs, rehearsal and performance schedules, tour files, set designs, lighting plots, stage plans, and recorded audiovisual elements of performances and rehearsals; marketing records such as press clippings, media releases, posters, pamphlets, handbills, photographs, and commercials; development records including planning documents for fundraisers, subscription campaigns, and special events; outreach documents such as school study guides; administrative records such as personnel files, financial statements, internal correspondence, and office administration; and records related to the management of the Alberta Ballet School of Dance.

Accession PR2018.0509 includes the records of Ruth Carse and the Alberta Ballet School. The Ruth Carse records are arranged as such and include her personal photo albums depicting performances, events, school events, and dancers; programs from dance troupe performances that pre-date the founding of Alberta Ballet (including the Muriel Taylor School of Dance); programs from piano recitals that Ruth Carse performed in dating to the 1920s and 1930s; correspondence; administrative records related to Alberta Ballet and the Alberta Ballet School; and grant files.

The fonds includes the Calgary City Ballet (CCB) sous-fonds, which includes similar records as listed above, with the addition of records related to the restoration and administration of the Nat Christie Centre.

Alberta Ballet
PR3685 · Collection · 1930-2010

The collection includes newsletters, membership lists, minutes, obituaries, remembrance cards, copies of historic photographs, photographs from Coal Branch reunions, and newspaper clippings. The records were created by the Alberta Coal Branch Club and document their club events.

The collection also contains The Cadomin Project, a teaching unit developed by Jim Shaw, Director of the Educational Media Services at the University of Alberta. The teaching unit was created as part of a series of units on small towns across Alberta and used photos, slides, recordings, and other media to teach in elementary and secondary schools.

This unit consists of slides and copies of photographs of subjects in Cadomin in the Alberta Coal Branch, as well as supplemental information, all with a focus on the social history of Cadomin.

There is also a scrapbook that includes clippings related to the Coal Branch and its residents, correspondence with other former Coal Branch residents, membership lists of Coal Branch unions, obituaries of Coal Branch residents, and short biographical sketches of Coal Branch residents.

Alberta Coal Branch Club
Alberta College South fonds
PR3419 · Fonds · 1919-1922

The fonds consists of student account ledgers (1919-1922).

Alberta College (South)
PR3624 · Fonds · 1988-1996

The fonds consists of correspondence, budgets, plans, and files related to the planning of Festival ’88. There are also similar records created during the course of administration of ACUA that offer evidence of the day-to-day management of the organization, planning and delivery of various events, workshops, projects and promotional materials, as well as long-term planning. The posters are advertisements for a public event celebrating the 10th anniversary of ACUA in 1996.

Alberta Council for the Ukrainian Arts
PR0026 · Fonds · 1927-2011

The fonds consists of records created and received by the Association, the Edmonton and District Cricket Association, and the Calgary and District Cricket League. It includes minutes, correspondence, financials, membership lists, grants, scoring sheets, and photographs.

The records also include the bylaws of the Alberta Cricket Association, correspondence to and from Cricket Canada, financial statements, planning documents around the development of a turf pitch in Edmonton, workshop records, and a record of addresses of association members.

Alberta Cricket Association
PR0622 · Fonds · 1963-2002

The fonds consists of executive minutes, correspondence, bylaws, and a club history created by the Alberta Federation of Rock Clubs between 1963 and 2002. The executive minutes cover the period between 1963-1972 and 2002.

Alberta Federation of Rock Clubs
PR0906 · Fonds · 1923-1988

The fonds consists of records pertaining to the Alberta Home Economics Association - Edmonton Area Branch including constitutions, bylaws, general meeting minutes, executive meeting minutes, annual meeting minutes, executive and committee reports, financial records, membership lists, correspondence, newspaper clippings, newsletters and Canadian Home Economics Association newsletters.

Alberta Home Economics Association. Edmonton Area Branch
PR0254 · Fonds · 1915-1985

The fonds consists of the business records of the Alberta Music Festival Association and its branches. The fonds includes three sous-fonds, the Calgary Branch sous-fonds, the Edmonton Branch sous-fonds, and the Lethbridge Branch sous-fonds, and the following records from the provincial level: provincial executive minutes, general minutes, agendas, notices of meetings, a cashbook, financial statements, festival planning records, correspondence, newsletters, newspaper clippings, The Alberta Music Festival Association Master Awards Book, digest reports from the Conferences of Delegates from the Musical Competition Festivals of Western Canada and then of Canada, and digest reports from the Federation of Canadian Music Festival

Alberta Music Festival Association
Alberta Nelson fonds
PR3091 · Fonds · [between 1910 - 1918]

The fonds consists of materials pertaining to Alberta Nelson's life in Edmonton between 1906-1918 and includes images of the Strathcona Military Hospital; a group of individuals in front of the Legislature Building; the first Alberta Music Festival group photograph held at Thistle Rink in Edmonton; the "Temple of Fame" Pageant held at the Bijou Theatre in Edmonton; Dr. McCarney Wilson and a short biography of Dr. Wilson; the Alberta College Student's Music Group at McDougall Church in Edmonton; and Professor Chisholm's Violin Class.

Nelson, Alberta
PR0325 · Fonds · 1969-1998

Fonds consists of records from the Provincial Chapter including operational records, financial records, executive records and the Association’s articles of incorporation. Fonds consists of minutes, correspondence, annual reports, committee and chapter reports, audio cassettes, newsletters, hand books, pamphlets, and mailing lists.

Alberta Pastoral Care Association
Alberta Paterson fonds
PR1903 · Fonds · 1926-1929

The fonds consists of a photograph album entitled “Life in Northern Canada” with sections “From Edmonton, Alta. to Fort Smith, N.W.T.,” “From Wainwright to LaBute, Alta.,” and “The Flood of 1928,” and includes images dating from 1926 to 1928 of trains, cars, boats, barges, the Northland Echo, the Athabasca River, Fort McMurray, Fort Chipewyan, Fort McKay, Fort Fitzgerald, Fort Smith, camps, airplanes, and buffalo. The fonds also includes an image of Don Paterson.

Paterson, Alberta
PR1058 · Fonds · 1959-1996, predominant 1962-1992

Fonds consists of the operational and administrative records of the Canadian Railroad Historical Association Rocky Mountain Branch, the Alberta Pioneer Railway Association, and the Alberta Railway Museum, including records pertaining to its collections and acquisitions, operations, fundraising, employees and volunteers, health and safety procedures, outreach programs, site development, and association with other railroad organizations and includes historical/biographical sketches, inventories, membership lists, reports, presentations, bylaws, resolutions, organizational charts, articles, correspondence, agreements, membership notices, share certificates, operations rule books, minutes, donor lists, convention programmes and newsletters, including The Marker, The Rattler, the Alberta Railway Journal, and Highball, a guest book, press releases, business plans, annual reports, budgets, financial records, grants applications, proposals, and equipment rosters, catalogues, drawings, and specifications. Fonds also includes plans, drawings, photographs and a slide which depict various railway equipment and members of the association. This fonds has been arranged into the following series: Canadian Railroad Historical Association Rocky Mountain Branch (1962-1990) and Alberta Pioneer Railway Association (1959-1996).

Alberta Pioneer Railway Association
PR0030 · Fonds · 1932-2014

The fonds consists of the by-laws, minutes, membership lists, financial records, correspondence and newsletters of the Edmonton branch of the Alberta Registered Music Teachers' Association (1932-2013); a historical summary of activities in the Calgary branch (1936-1977); records concerning the Provincial Board Meetings and Annual General Meetings (1938-2013) held by the Edmonton branch of the Association; and photographs from various ARMTA events (1975-2014).

A portion of the records are from the organization of the CFMTA convention “Peak Performance” held in Calgary in 2005. These include a final report, minutes, financials, competition material, applicants, registration documents, pamphlets and inserts, and other convention material.

Alberta Registered Music Teachers' Assocation
Alberta Snyder fonds
PR1615 · Fonds · 1899-1914

Fonds consists of photographs depicting men and equipment at Fraser’s Lumber Camp in Edmonton, Alberta and the Rundle Methodist Church at Fraser Flats.

Snyder, Alberta
PR3803 · Fonds · 1977-2013

The fonds consists of the records created and kept by the Alberta Women’s Archives Association and its predecessors between 1977 and 2013. Records include materials related to the group’s outreach activities and special projects in women’s archival representation in Alberta; administrative documents relating to the governance of the Association and its members; financial records of the Association; and communications and publicity materials created by the Association.

Alberta Women's Archives Association
Alex Calliou fonds
PR1061 · Fonds · 1949-1986

Fonds consists of the personal records of Alex Calliou and includes records pertaining to his employment with the Provincial Government of Alberta, his financial investments, and to the settlement of his father’s estate, and includes, newspaper clippings, membership forms, programmes, pension records, mortgage records, agreements, wills, correspondence, mechanically produced postcards, and a family tree. Fonds also contains correspondence to Alex Calliou from Phyllis Dewey

Calliou, Alex
Alex G. Cameron fonds
PR1789 · Fonds · [194-]

The fonds consists of images of Harry Cross, a mailman in Edmonton, and other postal workers from the Strathcona Post Office.

Cameron, Alex G.
PR0252 · Fonds · 1864-1955, predominant 1900-1935

Fonds consists of Rutherford’s personal and business records, particularly records created in his capacity as a lawyer and as a politician. These records include political papers, financial records, ordinances, proceedings, policies, reports, publications, personal records, photographs, diplomas, newspapers and newspaper clippings. Also included in this fonds are a newspaper clipping and photograph dated after Rutherford’s death. These two items were interfiled with Rutherford’s papers when they were deposited in the Provincial Archives of Alberta in 1975. They probably belonged to a member of Rutherford’s family and so were maintained within accession PR1975.0518.

Rutherford, Alexander Cameron
Alexander D. Trussler fonds
PR1629 · Fonds · 1904-1920

The fonds consists of an issue of the newspaper the Western Watchman: The Official Organ of the Grand Lodge of Manitoba and the North-West Territories, report of proceedings for the Grand Orange Lodge and the Provincial Grand Black Chapter of Alberta (Royal Black Knights of Ireland), and a badge for the Strathcona Royal Black Preceptory No. 654.

Trussler, Alexander D.
Alexander Kelsey fonds
PR0945 · Fonds · Copied 1974-1975

Fonds consists of copied photographs which date from 1912-1923, predominantly 1912-1914, that depict various people, buildings, and views in Athabasca Landing, House River, Vermilion, and Edmonton, Alberta, including boats, railway cars, sawmills, oil field equipment, machinery and workers, log cabins, the Vermilion Baptist church, road and building construction, and Kelsey family members. Fonds also includes two postcards and a copied newspaper clipping about a type of crude oil engine.

Kelsey, Alexander
Alexander Peden Turner fonds
PR1996 · Fonds · 1910-1960

The fonds consists of a poster with images of a British Columbia Battalion at the Front (First World War), Christmas carols published by the Edmonton Journal, a newspaper article about Peace River and an admittance card to the members gallery of the Alberta Legislature (1910).

Turner, Alexander Peden
Alf Standell fonds
PR1946 · Fonds · 1912-[192-]

The fonds consists of images of mine rescue workers, the Edmonton Canadian Pacific Railway station, railway workers, miners, trains, haying near Castor, Alberta, men cooking, the Legislature, Pete’s Dollar Taxi’s store front, automobiles (most likely taxis), McCauley School in Edmonton, views of Fort Saskatchewan, Paris Confectionary, automobile races, a funeral service and the badlands.

Standell, Alf
Alfred Chambers fonds
PR0863 · Fonds · 1942-1947

The fonds consists of application forms and notices of decision from the Wartime Prices and Trade Board regarding landlord-tenant disputes and the administration of rent control regulations in Edmonton during the mid 1940's.

Chambers, Alfred
Alfred F. Dreger fonds
PR0529 · Fonds · Copied 1971-1972

Fonds consists of typed manuscripts, articles, and speeches containing personal reminiscences, dating ca.1964 to ca. 1974, and various images of Alfred F. Dreger dating 1901-1970.

Dreger, Alfred F.
Alfred Farmilo fonds
PR0608 · Fonds · 1900-1965

Fonds consists of the personal records of Alfred W. Farmilo, mainly related to his involvement in various labour organizations, official boards, and associations, and includes minutes, correspondence, submissions, speeches, reference material, certificates, receipts, newspaper clippings, financial records, member lists, souvenirs, statistics, reports, pamphlets, posters, articles, scrapbooks, caricatures, journals, and photographs dating from 1900 to 1965. The fonds has been arranged into the following series: Official Boards and Associations; Personal Papers; Speeches; Newspaper Clippings; Other; Reference Materials; Photographs.

Farmilo, Alfred
Alfrey family fonds
PR2363 · Fonds · 1910-2007

The photographic records in the fonds include photographs, negatives, and slides from members of the Alfrey family, including Edward and Winnifred Peterson and of earlier ancestors of the family. There are many photographs from Rita’s brother, Eric Peterson. These photographs depict family and friends, property, and his vacations. Many of the photographs have not been labeled, making identification difficult.

There are multiple textual records from Winnifred Peterson, including copies of her self-published biography and poetry books. The records also include draft and work copies of the chapters and poems included in her books, as well as hand-written stories and reminiscences that were considered for the books.

The fonds also contain scrapbooks from Dar Alfrey’s time with the Edmonton Rotary Club, which contain many textual and photographic records. Other textual records include a Golden Jubilee Alberta award given to Bernard Alfrey, the wedding certificate of Bernard and Martha, hairdressing and beauty culture certificates given to Lucy Jean Moe Brunner, and teaching records of Martha Alfrey.

Also included are nine colour, silent 8mm films of the Alfrey family's home movies filmed by the father, Dar Alfrey. Subjects include views of Alberta communities such as Carstairs, Edmonton, Wetaskiwin, Banff, Medicine Hat, Taber, Calgary, Claresholm, and Jasper. They also include such subjects as the sugar beet factory in Taber, the Calgary Zoo, Storyland Valley Zoo in Edmonton, the Al Oeming Game Farm, and Alfrey family events such as birthdays, weddings, vacations and Christmas. These films start from the time the family was living in Bow Island in 1957 and end after their return to Edmonton in 1968.

Alfrey, Darwin (Dar) E.
Alice Gee fonds
PR1559 · Fonds · 1901-1902

The fonds consists of a single diary, approximately 220 pages in length, handwritten by Alice Gee from January 1, 1901 to August 20, 1902. It provides detail on rural life in the Strathcona area of the North-West Territories in the early 20th century, as well as lists of letters sent and received by the author, newspapers received, attendees at social functions, and dates of frost at the author’s farm.

Gee, Alice
PR0305 · Fonds · 1983

Fonds consists of records of the All Women Campaign Committee pertaining to the 1983 civic election campaign for Louise Swift including minutes, correspondence, financial statements, transcripts of interviews, photographs, debriefing cassettes and transcriptions, newsletters, and campaign pamphlets.

All Women Campaign Committee
Allan R. Turner fonds
PR1585 · Fonds · 1906-1935

The fonds consists of a letter from F.H. (Bert) Riggall, a list of the images, and photographs and photographic postcards of mountains, lakes, wildlife including bears, mountain goats, mountain sheep, deer, a grouse, and a porcupine, pack trains, tenting, hunting, and Bert Riggall. The fonds also includes a photograph of Lethbridge Central School, a photograph of Medicine Hat Public School, a photograph of Edmonton Protestant Public School, and a photograph of Edmonton High School. The photographs date from circa 1900. The photographer remains unidentified.

Turner, Allan R.
Allan Witiuk fonds
PR0952 · Fonds · 1921

Fonds consists of two tickets from the an Edmonton City and District Football Association game between the Scottish Internationals and the Edmonton All Stars at Diamond Park in Edmonton, Alberta.

Witiuk, Allan
PR1191 · Fonds · 1949-1980

The fonds consists of the records of the Alliance Française d’Edmonton, and includes one sous-fonds, l’École de l’Alliance Française d’Edmonton sous-fonds, and the following: correspondence, agendas, minutes, reports, meeting notices, circulars, membership lists, contracts, permits, newspaper clippings, financial records, and photographs of students and events.

Alliance Française d'Edmonton
Alma Taft fonds
PR3345 · Fonds · 1960-1967

The fonds consists of recorded interviews conducted by Alma Taft on various topics, including medical research, employment, falconry, and student activism.

Taft, Alma
Alma Williams fonds
PR0825 · Fonds · Copied 1980

The fonds consists of 8 copied photographs. The photographs are undated, but were originally from about 1909. The photographs feature the McPhee family (Peter McPhee), the Niton Camp, Edmonton’s McDougall Avenue (100 Street), and the Stony Plain fair, and also include carriages, a prairie schooner, an automobile, oxen, cattle, logging boats, and logging.

Williams, Alma
PR4108 · Fonds · 1926-1995, predominant 1977-1995

The fonds consists of a Misericordia Hospital (Edmonton) graduation diploma, convocation programs and nurse’s prayer, an Alberta Association of Registered Nurses registration certificate; news clippings, correspondence, citations, photographs, and memorabilia from Alyce Rowswell Schroeder’s career.

Rowswell Schroeder, Alyce
PR3748 · Fonds · 1983-2014

The fonds consists of the records of Ambucraft Services. It includes is one ledger with the makes and models of vehicles bought and sold by Ambucraft Services, newsletters, newspapers, manuals, and a year-end report.

The fonds also includes photos, which make up the bulk of the records, and they depict the vehicles produced and sold by Ambucraft Services. These vehicles include buses, hearses, limousines, rescue trucks, specialty vehicles, paratransit buses, and ambulances. The DVD-R contains 1618 images of advertisements, conferences and shows, offices and showrooms, people, the shop, and vehicles.

Ambucraft Services Ltd.
Amby Lenon fonds
PR0662 · Fonds · 1938-1969

Fonds consists of newspaper clippings and photographs depicting Amby Lenon Limited buildings, greenhouses, displays, arrangements, and employees. Fonds also includes negatives depicting Amby Lenon and his family.

Lenon, Amby
Amelia E. McCrum fonds
PR1915 · Fonds · 1893-1943

The fonds consists of images of early Edmonton and includes photographs of Edmonton and Strathcona, Edmonton hospitals, schools, brewery, train stations, streets (including Whyte Avenue), houses, buildings, ferry, bridges, a train derailment, Heimthal church (east of Ellerslie), the Stettler creamery, the Innisfail Hotel, the dining room of Royal Hotel, children swimming, canoeing, shaving, and a bear, and postcards of the Royal Hotel, Diamond Hall (Ash Brothers (Bros.)), Edmonton bridges, an incline railway, buildings, views, streets, street cars, the Legislature, the University, views along the Athabasca River, hotels, buildings and banks in Wetaskiwin, Sylvan Lake, scouts, buffalo, bridge at Rocky Mountain House, First Nations peoples, North Battleford (Saskatchewan), buildings, trolleys, bridges, and rivers in Calgary, mountains, glaciers, near Banff and Jasper, buildings, bridges in Banff, branding, and harvesting.

The fonds also includes an Edmonton Orpheus Society banquet program, toast lists and menus for the Old Timers’ Association of Edmonton, a business card for the Royal Hotel, a Salvation Army Diamond Jubilee dinner ticket, a Christmas card, a Jasper House Christmas Day menu, Royal Hotel Christmas menus, and sheet music for song “The Emblem of Alberta” (words by Jeannette Forsyth and music by Gilbert Stirling).

McCrum, Amelia E.
Amy Bradley fonds
PR1638 · Fonds · 1905-1914

The fonds consists of a scrapbook containing commercially produced cards, postcards and other ephemera.

Bradley, Amy
PR2046 · Fonds · ca. 1913 to 2004

The fonds consists of records created and collected by the Anderson, Hiller, and Buchert families dating from 1913 to 2004. The fonds divides into four series: Axel Anderson Series, Bert and Minnie Anderson and Dan Buchert Series, Hiller Family Series, Hiller, Anderson and Buchert Family Memorabilia Series, and the Burt A. Anderson Trucking Company series.

Anderson, Buchert, and Hiller family
Anne MacLane fonds
PR3256 · Fonds · 1919-[192-]

The fonds contains a pamphlet and photos, all of which were collected by Anne MacLane. The pamphlet was given to Anne's father, George Herrald, by the mayor of Moncton, New Brunswick. It was given to returning Canadian soldiers upon their return from Europe.

The photographs include photographs from the Frolic Club, of King Edward School students, of Edmonton Boy Scouts, and of an Edmonton swimming pool.

MacLane, Anne
Antoinette Grenier fonds
PR1580 · Fonds · 1933-1991

The records consist of the personal records of Antoinette Grenier and includes photocopied records, dating 1885 to 1985, of her father's correspondence, his notes, his diaries and his booklets about the Collège Saint-Joseph in Saint Boniface, Manitoba, her mother's correspondence, genealogical information, her own correspondence, Parcelles de Vie, histories about Immaculée Conception (Immaculate Conception) parish in Edmonton and Yamachiche, Québec and a recording about the family's history; Antoinette's original records include assorted published booklets and programs relating to medical record librarians and the Académie Assomption, a reunion program for Edmonton Normal School, Avant-Garde de l'Assomption newsletters, certificates and a Manual for Medical Records Librarians.

Grenier, Antoinette
Archibald Campbell fonds
PR0354 · Fonds · 1905-1966

The fonds consists of a variety of records documenting the activities, interests and social life of an influential Edmontonian. It includes biographical information, correspondence, a day timer, a financial journal, a booklet with daily expenses, a poem written by Mrs. A. Campbell, programmes of various cultural and historical events in Edmonton and a photo album with views of early Alberta.

Campbell, Archibald
Archibald Dunlap fonds
PR1666 · Fonds · 1948-1978

The fonds consists of images taken by Archibald Dunlap of Edmonton, Alberta, and various other locations across Alberta, including the Rockies, Seba Beach, Edson, and Lacombe.

Dunlap, Archibald
Archie Jamieson fonds
PR2498 · Fonds · [between 1936 - 1940]

The fonds consists of images owned by Archie Jamieson featuring airplanes chartered to fly from Edmonton to Althona Mine at Goldfields, Saskatchewan circa 1936 to 1940.

Jamieson, Archie
PR3394 · Collection · 1977-1988

The collection consists of photographs taken at various architectural sites around Alberta. These include a survey of housing in the abandoned coal town of Nordegg that was created by the Woolfenden Group, a photographic survey by McIntosh, Workun & Chernenko Architects of a federal building, and architectural surveys of St. Joseph's College, St. Stephen's College, the Ukrainian Village, and Beaver House.

Unknown donor
PR3829 · Fonds · 2004-2012

The fonds consists of records documenting the activities and interests of faith and religious organization archivists in the Edmonton area and includes correspondence, minutes and membership lists.

Archivists of Faith and Religious Organizations Group
Aristide Blais fonds
PR3011 · Fonds · 1906 - 1916

The fonds consists of a photograph album belonging to Aristide Blais consisting of eighty black and white photographs featuring scenes of Edmonton, Alberta taken between 1906 to 1916.

Blais, Aristide
Armin Hecht fonds
PR2128 · Fonds · 1959-1987

The fonds consists of photographs, negatives, and slides Armin Hecht took while on assignment from the Edmonton Journal dating from 1950’s to the 1960’s. Locations include: Alberta, Yukon, Europe, Eastern Canada, and Japan. The fonds also includes some publications of Armin Hecht’s reporting dating from 1959-1987.

Hecht, Armin
Armin Joop fonds
PR2054 · Fonds · 1995-2019

The fonds consists of a run of The Albertaner dating from 1995 to 2019, and of the Mill Woods Mosaic from 2008 to 2019.

Joop, Armin
Art Gallery of Alberta fonds
PR3154 · Fonds · 1909 - 1973

The fonds consists of material created and maintained by the Art Gallery of Alberta and includes programs from exhibitions held at the Gallery for the artists Harry Savage (1973), Glen Guillet (1973), and Chester and Bentham (1973). The fonds also includes artwork by artists featured at the Gallery including an oil painting by Thomas Adamson entitled "John A McDougall"; an oil painting by T. George Gates featuring the C.N.R. Station in Edmonton; a watercolor painting by M.A. Halloway entitled "20 Below" featuring Rossdale and South Edmonton; a mixed media painting by Hilda Mitchell entitled "Indian Cemetery at Winterburn"; a pastel by A. Ryland entitled "Bella Golden"; and an ink drawing by Dorothy Stevens showing the Chief Factor's house in Fort Edmonton. The fonds also contains a photo featuring the unveiling of the Father Lacombe Memorial in St. Albert in 1929; a panoramic photo of the city of Edmonton dating from 1909; and a map of the city of Edmonton dating from 1956.

Art Gallery of Alberta
Art Potter fonds
PR1486 · Fonds · Copied 1984

The fonds consists of images of the Poolers Hockey team, dating 1928 to 1932, and the Lloyd Turner testimonial dinner in 1967.

Potter, Art
Arthur Cload fonds
PR2489 · Fonds · [ca. 1950] - 1953

The fonds consists of material used and created by Arthur Cload including an account sheet for Charles Munton noting goods sold in 1952 and goods paid in 1953; and two copies of a catalogue for Cload Auctions circa 1950.

Cload, Arthur
Arthur Elliott fonds
PR2561 · Fonds · 1933, 1949

The fonds consists of materials pertaining to Arthur Elliott's career including a photograph of Arthur Elliott at St. Paul's Anglican Church in Leduc, Alberta in 1933 by Bamber Studio and a photograph of Arthur Elliott at St. Mark's Anglican Church in Edmonton, Alberta in 1949, taken by the Edmonton Journal when Cannon Elliott was requesting that the City of Edmonton put a light on the steeple of St Mark's since airplanes we flying so close.

Elliott, Arthur
Arthur George fonds
PR3382 · Fonds · 1915

The fonds consists of photographs depicting Arthur George in uniform during the First World War, the 1915 Edmonton flood, and the City of Edmonton riverboat.

George, Arthur
Arthur Marshall fonds
PR0243 · Fonds · 1900-1949

Fonds consists of records belonging to Arthur Marshall including correspondence, photographs, newspaper clippings and postcards.

Marshall, Arthur
Arthur Morris collection
PR3934 · Collection · [ca. 1900]

The collection consists of photographs of Edmonton and Banff, ca. 1900. Images include a flood at Walter's Mill in Edmonton and the Banff Hot Springs.

Unknown donor
Arthur Thomas Meagher fonds
PR1069 · Fonds · 1898-1919

Fonds consists of the personal records of Arthur Thomas Meagher, and records related to his profession as a plumber, and includes tax assessments and notices, correspondence, an insurance policy, The Plumbers’ Textbook, bylaws regarding waterworks and sewage in Edmonton, Alberta, a business card for Ghormley’s Grocery, and various constitutions, photographs and banquet menus for the United Association of Journeymen Plumbers, Gas Fitters and Steam Fitters and Steam Fitters’ Helpers of the United States and Canada, Local 488 in Edmonton, Alberta.

Fonds also includes a Government of Alberta telephone system Operator’s Code Symbols booklet, and a postcard and photographs depicting parades, floats, buildings, street views, an elephant, bison, a log building, a train wreck, a Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) basketball team, and Jasper Avenue in Edmonton, Alberta.

Meagher, Arthur Thomas
PR0015 · Fonds · 1912-2012

The fonds consists of records from national, provincial, regional and local levels. A large extent of the fonds consists of administrative and financial papers, minutes, correspondence and publications pertaining to the ACFA and organizations with close associations to the ACFA.
Included in the fonds are thirteen sous-fonds. These sous-fonds are related to the regional offices of the ACFA, including: Bonnyville/Cold Lake, Calgary/Banff, Centralta, Red Deer, Edmonton, Grande Prairie, Jasper, Plamondon/Lac-la-Biche, Rivière-la-Paix, Saint-Paul, Wood Buffalo, Lethbridge/Medicine Hat, and Provisoires et general.
The fonds is divided into sixteen series, including: Administration, Comptabilité, Commission culturelle, Éducation, Information/Politique, Développement communautaire, Procès-verbaux, Autres organismes, Histoire, Comités, Correspondance, Mémoires/Études/Rapports, Activités, Circulaires et Publications, Sessions/Stages/Colloques/Projets, and Cause judiciaire. The administration series is divided into five sub-series, including : Membres, Exécutif, Conseils généraux, Bureau des presidents, and Personnel. The procès-verbaux series is divided into three sub-series, including : Congrès/Assemblés générales annuelles, Réunions, and Rond Point. The Autres organismes series has been divided into two sub-series, including : Interieur de l’Alberta and Extérieur de l’Alberta. The histoire series has one sub-series, Personnalités.

L'Association canadienne-française de l'Alberta
PR1633 · Fonds · 1931-1990, predominantly 1979-1990

The fonds consists of the records of the Association de l’École Georges et Julia Bugnet, and includes correspondence, reports, newspaper clippings, court documents, court transcripts and teacher applications.

Association de l'École Georges et Julia Bugnet
PR2541 · Fonds · 1973 - 1981

The fonds consists of records documenting the operation of the Association of English-German Bilingual Education of Edmonton including correspondence, minutes, and copies of the periodical Buntes Allerlei dating from 1971 to 1983.

Association for English-German Bilingual Education of Edmonton
PR2530 · Fonds · 1976-2008

The fonds consists of financial and administrative records, correspondence, choreography, inventories of dances and history related to dances performed by the troupe, a large number of photographs, and audio-visual recordings.

L'Association la Girandole
PR1057 · Fonds · 1975-1985

The fonds includes the business records of the Edmonton Chapter of the Association of Records Managers and Administrators, and includes, constitutions, by-laws, policy manuals, agendas, executive committee minutes, general minutes, Canadian presidents meeting minutes, financial statements and records, correspondence, newsletters, executive election records, reports, annuals reports, notices of meetings, membership lists, committee records, brochures, conference programs, conference information, ARMA publications, certificates, and photographs of executives, members and conferences.

Association of Records Managers and Administrators. Edmonton Chapter
PR4282 · Fonds · 1913-2016

The fonds consists of a complete record of the Edmonton branch of the AUUC and the Provincial Committee of the Alberta AUUC, including predecessor bodies, with records in both English and Ukrainian.

The textual records include meeting minutes, financial ledgers and statements, correspondence, membership information, files on smaller branches across Alberta, budgets, play scripts, newsletters, circulars, event programs and posters, committee files (including committees for youth, women, seniors, and special projects), press releases, information files, provincial and national convention files, performing arts files, and obituaries and personal histories of many past members of the AUUC. There records are from both the Edmonton branch and the Alberta Provincial Committee, with some records from the National Executive Committee. There are also records related to the building and maintenance of the Ukrainian Centre in Edmonton, the seizure and recovery of ULFTA property by the Government of Canada, and other projects of the AUUC.

The photographs depict ULFTA/AUUC events, members, halls, and Ukrainian heritage sites across the province including cemeteries and churches. The audio reels are recordings of AUUC events such as seminars and lectures.

Association of United Ukrainian Canadians
Audrey and John Martyn fonds
PR3665 · Fonds · 1949-2014

The fonds consists of the records of John and Audrey Martyn. The records pertaining to Audrey Martyn comprise correspondence, mainly post cards, spanning a few decades; year books and report cards; records related to her advertising company; and presentations related to teaching. The fonds also includes certificates of recognition for both Audrey and John Martyn, family events memorabilia, and records related to John Martyn’s death. The photographs are of either family or related to Audrey and John’s professional work.

The records related to John Martyn include class notes from his technical training in sheet metal, documents related to his involvement with the XI Commonwealth Games held at Edmonton in 1978, and with the Sourdough Raft Race and the Edmonton City Civic Truck Roadeo. Also included are audio recordings produced in majority in Alberta or with Albertan singers of Ukrainian folk music, recordings of various shows or events where John Martyn’s bands or other Albertan bands played Ukrainian folk, or original studio recordings of Ukrainian music, including a unique audio CD featuring the dulcimer player Nick Mischi and Peter Kassian’s orchestra, and a video recording of Nick Mischi performing live on a TV show.

Martyn, Audrey and John
Audrey M. Hodgson fonds
PR0790 · Fonds · 1909-[after 1912]

Fonds consists of photographs depicting the visit of Earl Grey to Edmonton and the First Presbyterian Church in Edmonton.

Hodgson, Audrey M.
A.U.G. Bury fonds
PR1581 · Fonds · [ca. 1880]-1945

The fonds consists of the personal records of A.U.G. Bury and includes photographs of family members, newspaper clippings predominantly about General Sir Edward Spears, M.P. for Carlisle, correspondence, and speech notes; anti-socialist and anti-Co-operative Commonwealth Federation notes and newspaper clippings collected by Bury; included with Bury’s personal records are Wartime Prices and Trade Board Rentals Administration forms relating to Ethel M. Heath and Mrs. M.E. Stoler, and the Manitoba certificate of birth of Catherine Crawford McRae (April 6, 1887).

Bury, A.U.G.
B. Brilz fonds
PR3014 · Fonds · 1968 - 1971

The fonds reflects B. Brilz's role as yearbook editor for the Student Nurses of the Misericordia Hospital and consists of copies of yearbooks for the Student Nurses of the Misericordia Hospital dating from 1968, 1969, and 1971.

Brilz, B.
PR1565 · Fonds · 1984-1985

The fonds consists of the records of the TriBACH festival director, Michael Tabbitt, regarding the planning and organizing of the festival, and includes correspondence, contracts, agreements, pamphlets, and programs, and three notebooks of newspaper clippings about the TriBACH Festival.

Bach Tercentenary Festival 1985 Foundation
Baltzan family fonds
PR1176 · Fonds · 1911- 1975

The fonds reflects the Baltzan family's activities in the Edmonton Jewish community. The fonds consists of newspapers of the Israelite Press dating from the 1960's, Edmonton Hebrew Mutual Loan Association Certificates dating from 1927-1944, Jewish Federation of Edmonton Committee Lists 1938-1939, Talmud Torah Executive Committee Minutes 1940's to 1950's, Mother's Auxiliary Financial Statements of Talmud Torah 1940's and 1950's, Edmonton Hebrew Corporation bylaws, Edmonton Jewish Community Council Constitution and reports to the President and members of the council dating from the 1950's, Congregation of Beth Israel pamphlets dating from the 1940's and 1950's, Edmonton Jewish Community Council bylaws dating from 1962, photographs of Jewish community leaders, photographs of Jewish religious leaders, photographs of various women's groups dating from the 1940's, photographs of new groundbreaking for Chevra Kadisha dating from the from the1960's, Zionist convention photographs dating from 1940's, records relating to fundraising Tree in Israel dating from the 1940's, correspondence related to Jewish heritage projects dating from the 1970's, a history of Hinda Baltzan, photographs of Baltzans dating from the 1920's to the 1940's. The fonds also contains various records of the Talmud Torah including the following records: registration lists dating from 1930's to 1950's, an information booklet, Board of Education Correspondence dating from 1940's, 1950's, school letters, ledgers, invoices, exams, student marks, education brochures, receipts, workbooks, schedules and time tables dating from the 1940's and 1950's, photographs of school activities dating from the 1940's and 1950's, minutes of the Talmud Torah dating from 1912-1961, and records relating to an addition of the Talmud Torah dating from the 1950's. The fonds also contains photographs of an individuals interacting with First Nations Peoples of the area dating from 1920.

Baltzan family
Bamber Studio fonds
PR1531 · Fonds · 1910-1976

Fonds consists of the business records of Bamber Studio, and records pertaining to the Bamber family and includes correspondence, customer accounts, financial records, advertising materials, technical and equipment manuals, and photocopied newspaper clippings. Also includes negatives, photographs, photographic collages, a lantern slide and glass plate negatives that depict various people, places and views in Alberta. The photographs are divided into two main series, the working series (Ba), consisting of images of people at work and the Leduc area; and the portrait series (BaP). There are 787 negatives in the working series and 9473 negatives in the portrait series. Bamber divided his portraits into series one and series two.

Bamber Studio
Barbara Campbell collection
PR3703 · Collection · 1968-1971

The collection consists of pamphlets, posters, articles, and clippings from a variety of political and activist groups. There are informational pamphlets from the Black Panther Party and the Young Communist League; anti-Vietnam War pamphlets, leaflets, and posters from a Canadian perspective; articles and pamphlets focusing on anti-racism; pamphlets and posters for candidates from multiple parties in the Strathcona and Beverly ridings during the 1971 provincial election; posters and informational material related to the University of Alberta Students’ Union debate to re-join the Canadian Union of Students in 1968; and other material related to the student movement.

Campbell, Barbara J.
Barford family fonds
PR0403 · Fonds · 1862-1950

Fonds consists of correspondence, photographs, souvenir and music programmes, newspaper clippings, birth and marriage certificates, reports, receipts, postcards, invitations, elections publications, a teachers guide, a scrapbook and a series of [radio or recording] scripts. The fonds has been divided into the following series: Vernon W. Barford (1926-1948); John C. (Jack) Barford (1903-1950); Marjorie Barker (ca.1893-1913); and K.A. Blatchford (1862-1933).

Barford family
Ben Tobiasson fonds
PR2841 · Fonds · 1973 - 1993

The fonds consists of 2 recordings of Frank Gay performing on CKUA radio dating from 1973 and 1980, and 2 recordings by Ben Tobiasson: Lotus in the Snow (1993) and Free Spirit (1992).

Tobiasson, Ben
Benjamin Doell fonds
PR2121 · Fonds · 1953- 1981

The fonds consists of photographic catalogues dating from 1953 to 1981; maps, programs, and pamphlets related to various Edmonton real estate ventures dating from the 1970’s; and correspondence, receipts, address labels, and contracts related of Edmonton Photo Supply Ltd. (1958 – 1980) dating from the 1970’s and 1980’s.

Doell, Benjamin
Bérangère Mercier fonds
PR1214 · Fonds · 1922-1979

The fonds consists of invitations, correspondence, concert programs, information about the Edmonton Art Club including membership lists, constitutions and catalogues, a Constitution and bylaws of the Women’s Canadian Club of Edmonton, an Edmonton Civic Opera Society’s Tenth Year Anniversary souvenir book, newspaper clippings about the Edmonton Art Club and about Bérangère Mercier, and a photograph of the first airmail flight from Calgary to Lethbridge, in 1931. Also included are an oil painting and a collage of Edmonton matchbook covers.

Mercier, Bérangère
Bert Silverman fonds
PR2189 · Fonds · 1919-[1939]

The fonds consists of 34 views of the Royal Visit of the Prince of Wales dating from 1919; 5 views of the Royal Visit of King George in 1939; 79 views of Edmonton dating from 1920 - [1923]; 9 views of Banff and Lake Louise dating from the 1920's; 31 views of Nova Scotia, British Columbia, and Mexico dating from the 1920's and 1930's; and 36 views of buildings, airplanes, and lumber camps from Alberta dating from the 1920's to the 1930's.

Silverman, Bert