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Archival description
PR0241 · Fonds · 1914-1916

Fonds consists of the minute book of the local branch of the North Alberta Canadian Patriotic Fund.

North Alberta Canadian Patriotic Fund
Bertie C. Hart fonds
PR0510 · Fonds · 1914-1974

Fonds consists of accounts and minutes of the Rural Municipality of Nelson No.638 and the Soldiers' Home Property Register. Also includes notes, historical sketches, and reminiscences written by Bernie C. Hart about various people and places in the County of Athabasca No. 12, including such diverse topics as pioneer histories, the Alberta Social Credit Party, grain elevators, bulls, oil development, municipal elections, fencing, school districts, and Hart's experiences while working as an assessor.

Hart, Bertie C.
Millie Hay collection
PR0535 · Collection · 1874-1961

Collection consists of a copied map of the North-West Territory, now Alberta, dating 1874, copied bills and a land agreement belonging to W.F. Smith of Athabasca Landing dating 1897-1907, a pamphlet entitled The Aberhart Plan dating 1935, and a 50th Anniversary issue of The Landing Trail Post newspaper dating 1961.

Hay, Millie
Frank Turek collection
PR0580 · Collection · 1928-1971, predominant 1971

Collection consists of a copied oral history interview with Ralph Lynn Carrell, conducted by Frank Turek, and copied photographs of the Carrell family and various views in the Edson, Alberta area. Collection also includes photographs of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Trelle, Mr. Anderson, and the All Saints Church in Athabasca.

Turek, Frank
Harry Coates fonds
PR0584 · Fonds · 1910 - 1966, predominant 1911 - 1922

Fonds consists of photographs and correspondence related to the beginning of Rev. Coates' ministry (arrival in Canada, education in Edmonton, Alberta and first parsonage in Blackie, Alberta) and the marriage and early life of Rev. and Mrs. Coates. Photographs include Rev. Coates' first church and parsonage in Blackie, Alberta in 1917. Textual materials consist of 3 letters, wedding invitation, music book and obituary. Fonds also consists of black and white and hand coloured lantern slides, photographs, and negatives, taken by Harry Coates, which depict various people and views in northern Alberta areas such as Athabasca Landing, Dunvegan, Grande Prairie, and Lake Saskatoon.

Coates, Harry
Albert S. LaRue fonds
PR0596 · Fonds · Copied 1972-1976

Fonds consists of a copied oral history of Piotr Topczewski, a polish farmer in Hansen Corner, Alberta, conducted by Albert S. LaRue, copies of the Alberta citizens registration covenant dating ca. 1932, photographs depicting the Holy Family Seminary at St. Albert, Alberta, the first St. Albert city council, and various stores and hotels in Edmonton, St. Albert, Athabasca, Alberta, dating 1900-1908. It includes also a photograph of the store (built 1908) owned by Segismond and Theodore LaRue in Winterburn and the residence of Theodore LaRue (built 1913), with Athala LaRue in doorway.

LaRue, Albert S.
Jean Gustave Côté fonds
PR0609 · Fonds · 1899-1992

The records consists of research papers and publications on Jean Léon Côté's personal and professional life, genealogical material and newspaper clippings on the Côté family, research notes on train dispatching, photographs and maps.

Côté, Jean Gustave
John Milne fonds
PR0840 · Fonds · 1922-1955

Fonds consists of records relating to John Milne’s employment with the Hudson’s Bay Company and includes, correspondence, staff contracts, memorandum, fur purchasing tariff lists, aircraft insurance declarations, permits, fur trade conference programmes, newspaper clippings, an HBC post household manual, and maps depicting the highways of Alberta and transportation routes in the north Pacific. Fonds also includes records pertaining to John Milne’s personal life and includes a poem, membership certificates for the Masons, greeting cards, an issue of the British Columbia Provincial Police Journal, The Shoulder Strap, and nine photocopied photographs depicting boats, planes, and HBC posts. Fonds also includes photographs and negatives which depict various people, buildings, and views related John Milne’s employment with the Hudson’s Bay Company, including, Hudson’s Bay Company buildings and trading posts (both interior and exterior), rivers, mountains, wildlife, automobiles, log cabins, construction, the Alcan Highway, bridges, boats, airplanes, glaciers, First Nations camps, canoes and totem poles, trains, hunting, street-cars, buses, floods, street views, roads, houses, cairns, and sled dogs. Fonds also includes photographs of Milne family and friends, as well as some aerial photographs, hand-coloured photographs, and images from British Columbia and London, England. There are two series in this fonds: Hudson’s Bay Company records; Personal records.

Milne, John
James Thurber fonds
PR0898 · Fonds · 1917-1921

The fonds consists of James Thurber’s certificates for membership into Southern Alberta Pioneers’ and Old Timers’ Association, Game Guardian, Commissioner to Administer Oaths, a certificate of incorporation for the British American Agencies Limited (Ltd.), and a photograph of Athabasca Landing.

Thurber, James
Doug Babcock fonds
PR0943 · Fonds · Copied 1974

Fonds consists of copied photographs that date from circa (ca.) 1848-1922, predominantly 1901-1922, that depict various people, buildings, and views in Chipewyn, Sawridge, Slave Lake, Fort Vermilion, Athabasca Landing, and Fort McMurray, Alberta including a Royal North West Mounted Police (RNWMP) officer, paddle steamers, Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) boats, a government telegraph office, log cabins, street views, a sawmill, a cemetery, school teachers, and missionaries.

Babcock, Doug
Alexander Kelsey fonds
PR0945 · Fonds · Copied 1974-1975

Fonds consists of copied photographs which date from 1912-1923, predominantly 1912-1914, that depict various people, buildings, and views in Athabasca Landing, House River, Vermilion, and Edmonton, Alberta, including boats, railway cars, sawmills, oil field equipment, machinery and workers, log cabins, the Vermilion Baptist church, road and building construction, and Kelsey family members. Fonds also includes two postcards and a copied newspaper clipping about a type of crude oil engine.

Kelsey, Alexander
Amy Kathleen Stafford fonds
PR1025 · Fonds · Copied 1974

Fonds consists of copied photographs dating 1917-1927 depicting various people, buildings, churches and views of Athabasca, Alberta including Saint (St.) John the Baptist Anglican church and rectory, All Saints Anglican church, a Boy Scout troop led by Reverend P.C. Wade, a dog team, businesses on Strathcona Street, and tents. Also includes interior views of St. John the Baptist Anglican church and All Saints Anglican church.

Stafford, Amy Kathleen
Corrine Hulburd fonds
PR1068 · Fonds · 1905-1955

Fonds consists of scrapbooks containing poems, newspaper clippings and magazine articles by and about various celebrities, musicians, and political figures. Fonds also includes photograph albums containing black and white and coloured photographs of Seattle, United States of America, Waterloo, Quebec and Mexico, as well as to Vancouver and Victoria, British Columbia and various places in Alberta including Peace River, Athabasca, South Cooking Lake and Edmonton. A large portion of the photographs depicts houses, streets and building interiors in Edmonton, Alberta, but there are also photographs which depict log cabins, ships and boats, women, children, beaches, picnics and other recreational activities, gardens and flowers, bridges, churches, airplanes and float planes, automobiles, hospital, university and civic buildings, street views, parades, members of the North West Mounted Police (NWMP), a golf course, schools, sawmills, railroads, hotels, and members of the Royal family. Fonds also includes pictorial souvenir booklets of Banff and Calgary, Alberta, and photographic and mechanically produced postcards.

Hulburd, Corrine
PR1090 · Fonds · 1909-1971

The fonds includes newspaper clippings, a Cree election pamphlet (1911), Alberta: A Land for Living magazines, Gyro Club of Edmonton roster book, a copy of Jerry Potts, plainsman (by Hugh Dempsay), a copy of The Prairie Garden (magazine), certificates belonging to Harry and Edwin Henry Turton, a marriage certificate for Kenneth Campbell MacLeod and Winifred Viola Macdonald (1920), booklets about Freemasonry, Jacques De Molay (order of De Molay) and the Grand Lodge of Alberta, a souvenir program of 1939 Royal Visit, a booklet of Alberta Historic Sites, Clarence Tillenius wildlife and prairie prints, and photographs and photographic postcards mostly dating circa (ca.) 1909 to 1915 and 1952, including Grouard, Sawridge, Sturgeon Lake, Peace River, Dunvegan, Athabasca Landing and the areas around Lesser Slave Lake, and include Cree Nation Chiefs Moostoosh and Kinisāoo, the Peace River landing, the first car in Grouard, Sturgeon Lake Mission, churches, local people, mail delivery, homesteads, main streets, horses and carts, stores, buildings, bridges, snowploughs, dogsleds, Indigenous peoples, as well as photographs and photographic postcards of Fort Edmonton, views of Edmonton, the 1915 Edmonton flood, 19th Alberta Dragoons, First World War Honour rolls, soldiers, mountain scenes around Banff, portraits of John Stocks, L.C. Charlesworth, H.P. Keith, J.D. Robertson, G.H.N. Monkman, Peter Tomkins, Kenneth MacLeod, Winifred Macdonald, and postcards from Bath, Folkestone and Taunton, England.

Turton, William Henry and Edwin Henry
Stephen Wiedeman fonds
PR1352 · Fonds · 1909-1913

The fonds consists of photographs dating 1909 to 1913 depicting Stephen Wiedeman’s career with the Royal North West Mounted Police, and includes images from Cypress Hills, Athabasca Landing, Josephsburg, Lethbridge, Irvine and Regina of the officers, horses, Christmas events, and shooting party.

Wiedeman, Stephen
PR1383 · Fonds · 1976

Fonds consists of a tourist brochure and map of Alberta and an itinerary for the Historical Trail Expedition that traced the Old Peace Trail from Grouard to Athabasca.

Midnight Twilight Tourist Association
Marlene Jerred fonds
PR1427 · Fonds · 1908-1924

The fonds consists of photographic postcards, photographs and postcards from Okotoks, Lethbridge, Millarville, Saddle Lake, Fort Chipewyan, Athabasca Landing, Fort Smith and Fort McMurray of buildings, churches, missions, barn building, residents, dog teams, horses, houses, boats and canoes, rivers, horse races, and some of the Calgary Stampede.

Jerred, Marlene
J. Lamb fonds
PR1604 · Fonds · [ca. 1914]

Fonds consists of photographic postcards depicting a Canadian Pacific Railways (CPR) railroad bridge at Carmangay, Alberta and steamboats at Athabasca, Alberta.

Lamb, J.
Margaret D. Tettelaar fonds
PR1620 · Fonds · Copied 1977

Fonds consists of oral history given by Emma Gertrude Mayer dating 1977, and copied photographs and postcards dating 1908-1914 depicting members of the Mayer family, a sod house, buildings, railroad survey crew, the first opera at Wainwirght, Alberta, and views, buildings, hotels, and hospitals in Wainwirght, Strathmore, Athabasca, Lac La Biche, Jasper and Mayerthorpe, Alberta.

Tettelaar, Margaret D.
G. C. Mathews fonds
PR1685 · Fonds · 1903-1933

Fonds consists of annotated photographs of various people, buildings and views mainly in Peace River, Alberta and includes school children and buildings, churches, weddings, street views, banks, businesses, hospitals, ferries, bridges, steam boats, missionaries and mission buildings, the Grouard Trail, agricultural exhibitions, agricultural scenes, livestock, an HBC trading post, a group of Dominion land surveyors, water falls, the Peace River, oil wells, sled dogs, automobiles, airplanes, women’s and men’s sports teams, and North West Mounted Police (NWMP) barracks. Fonds also includes photographs of Athabasca Landing and the Hay River Mission.

Mathews, G. C.
Alberta Paterson fonds
PR1903 · Fonds · 1926-1929

The fonds consists of a photograph album entitled “Life in Northern Canada” with sections “From Edmonton, Alta. to Fort Smith, N.W.T.,” “From Wainwright to LaBute, Alta.,” and “The Flood of 1928,” and includes images dating from 1926 to 1928 of trains, cars, boats, barges, the Northland Echo, the Athabasca River, Fort McMurray, Fort Chipewyan, Fort McKay, Fort Fitzgerald, Fort Smith, camps, airplanes, and buffalo. The fonds also includes an image of Don Paterson.

Paterson, Alberta
Hugh E. Pearson fonds
PR1971 · Fonds · Copied 1979

The fonds consists of selected images copied from photographs albums and includes images from a surveying trip around Great Slave Lake in 1922 with images of Fort McMurray, Fort Chipewyan, the boat Northland Echo, canoes, Fort Smith Landing, a First Nations village, tents, Fort Resolution, Souci King Beaulieu, gold mining equipment, the drying of fish, a sawmill, Hudson's Bay Company posts, the Waterways train station; images from a surveying trip in 1923 with images of Largent's Post, Peace River, survey crew, canoes, Fort Fitzgerald, tractors, dogs, Hay River, Fort Simpson, the Stick River, First Nations members, Fort Franklin, camps and an First Nations grave; and miscellaneous images, originally dating from 1912 to about 1919, of a ferry at Athabasca Landing, the J.L. Côté and Alberta Land Survey's building at Grouard, and a First nations woman and her baby, surveyors at Wabasca Lake, Jack Hornby and his log house.

Pearson, Hugh E.
Constance Pearson fonds
PR1972 · Fonds · Copied 1979

The fonds consists of selected images copied from three photographs albums, one album titled "Holiday Pictures," the other two untitled, and includes images, originally dating from about 1908 to 1912, of the Hudson's Bay Store at Athabasca Landing, a land sale a Athabasca Landing, Robert Baden-Powell and boy scouts, women on horseback, Fort Chipewyan, people in the hot springs at Banff, automobiles, the Duke of Connaught with Gilbert E. Sanders, and people skating.

Pearson, Constance
Peter Rosychuk fonds
PR2175 · Fonds · 1991

The fonds consists of two audio cassettes featuring telegraph transmissions made by Peter Rosychuk. The first transmission details the history of the invention of telegraphy and Morse Code, and the second transmission describes the history of Athabasca Landing.

Rosychuk, Peter
PR2270 · Fonds · 1998

The fonds consists of a booklet produced by the Athabasca Heritage Society in 1998 entitled, "The Overland Route to the Klondike via Athabasca Landing."

Athabasca Heritage Society
David Carter fonds
PR2279 · Fonds · 1908 - 1992

The fonds consists of an unpublished history of the Anglican Diocese of Calgary written by David Carter in 1992; an unpublished history of the Anglican Diocese of Edmonton written by Reverend Randall Ivany in 1992; an unpublished history of the Anglican Diocese of Athabasca written by Derek Hoskin in 1992; a transcript of a taped interview with Most Reverend Walter F. Barfoot, Primate of Anglican Church of Canada conducted by David Carter in 1966; photographs of various Anglican churches and individuals in Alberta dating from 1905 to 1947; and three audiotapes of interviews conducting by David Carter in 1977 and 1978 documenting the history of the Athabasca Diocese from 1905 to 1992 with the Most Reverend Frederick W. Crabb, Bishop of Athabasca, and Bishop R.J. Pierce, Bishop of Athabasca. The fonds also includes an order of service for the induction of the Archbishop of the Ecclesiastical Province of Rupert's land dating from 1970.

Carter, David
PR2315 · Fonds · 1915 - 1973, 1991-2000

The fonds consists of minutes, debentures, assessments and tax rolls, cash book disbursements, balance sheets, ledger accounts, labor pay sheets, seed grain accounts, individual assessment sheets, Boyle cemetery plot deed, correspondence, of the following local authorities:

  • Municipal District of Cartier #637
  • Municipal District of Nelson #638
  • Municipal District of Grosmont #668
  • Municipal District #103, and
  • Municipal District of Athabasca #12.

The fonds also includes receipts, accounts, teacher pay records, correspondence, school board estimates programs and budgets, for Athabasca School Division #42 and school registers from the Aspen View School Division #19. The fonds also contains one map illustrating the land boundaries of the County of Athabasca No. 12.

In addition the fonds includes registers, attendance records, textbooks, debentures, and correspondence of the following school districts:

  • Atlanta #2909: 4-65-21-W4, 1913 - ?
  • Baptiste Lake #3651: 24-66-24-W4, 1918 - ?
  • Berny #3937: 11-67-16-W4, 1920 - ?
  • Big Bay #4817: 18-67-12-W4, 1938 - 1959
  • Big Beaver #4067 (Brierville, Grandin) 6-64-12-W4, 1921- ?
  • Big Coulee #4497: 10-68-22-W4, 1930 - ?
  • Birch Grove #4808: 27-64-14-W4, 1937- ?
  • Black Loam # 4565 (Frains): 36-66-18-W4, 1931- ?
  • Blue Jay #4658: SE 16-68-17-W4, 1934 - [1940]
  • Blueberry Ridge #4562: 17-63-24-W4, 1931- 1953.
  • Bouvier #3308: 9-67-15-W4, 1915 - ?
  • Calling Lake #4124: 17-72-21-W4, 1922- ?
  • Caribou Range #4836: 15-63-24-W4, 1938- 1947
  • Cash Creek #3045: 18-64-20-4: 1913 - ?
  • Caslan #4780: 16-65-17-W4: 1937- ?
  • Charron #4224: 18-68-16-W4, 1925 - 1954.
  • Christy Creek #4621: 22-65-14-W4, 1933- ?
  • Colinton #3169: 15-65-22-W4, 1914 - ?
  • Craigend #4088: NE 5-65-13-W4, 1922 -
  • Crerar #4934: 10-73-1-W5, 1946 - ?
  • Deer Run #4579: NW 23- 67-19-W4, 1932 - ? 1951.
  • Dionne #4813: 1-67-15-W4, 1938 - ?
  • Dokeville #3173: SE 1-63-24-W4, 1914 - ? 1949.
  • Dover# 2725: 31-64-21-W4, 1912 - 1939.
  • East Park #3349: 11- 64-20-W4, 1916- ?
  • Fairhaven #3044: NW 9-67-22-W4, 1913 - ?
  • Ferguson #4573: 24-66-21-W4, 1931 - ?
  • Flat Creek #3106: NW 28-66-19-W4, 1914 - 1949
  • Forest Grove #4209 (Grassland): 21-67-18-W4, 1925 - ?
  • Forest View #4624: SW 9 - 70-26-W4, 1933 - ?
  • Forfar #4105: 22-65-24-W4, 1922 - ?
  • Fork Lake #3155: 16-63-11-W4, 1914 - ?
  • Forest #3171: 33-66-21-W4, 1914 - ?
  • Frains #4565: SE 35-66-18-W4, 1931 - 1958.
  • Gamefield #4597: 27-63-20-W4, 1932- 1953
  • George Lake #3820: 31-64-23-W4, 1919 - ?
  • Glen Leven #2124: SE 26-27-28-W4, 1910 - ?
  • Gourin #4755: 24-67-17-W4, 1937 - 1952
  • Grandin #4066: _ 64-14-W4 (Big Beaver) 1921 - ?
  • Granville #4091: _ 64 - 19-w4, 1922 - 1946
  • Green Pine East #4568: NW 10-68-18-W4, 1931 - ?
  • Greyville #3836: 15-67-23-W4, 1919 - ?
  • Grosmont #3696: NE 9-68-24-W4, 1918- ?
  • Hallcroft #4508: 3-64-21-W4, 1930 - ?
  • Hammond #4398 (Craigmyle): 20-31-16-W4, 1912 - 1916
  • Helina #4629: 31-63-10-w4, 1934- ?
  • Hondo #4435: SE 23-70-1-W5, 1929 - 1958
  • Irene #3405: 7-65-12-W4, 1916 - 1959
  • Keyes #1882: 20-65-21-W4, 1908 - ?
  • Lahaieville #2637: 24-67-23-W4, 1912- ?
  • Larvert #4521: SW 8-67-23-W4, 1930 - ?
  • Laura #4722: 2-69-21-W4, 1936 - 1958
  • Lawrence Lake #4909: 18-69-24-W4, 1943 - ?
  • Lee Heights #3821: 11-64-23-W4, 1919- 1949
  • Lewiston #3045: ?
  • Mangin #3935: 12 - 66-14-W4, 1920 - 1958
  • McArthur #3266: 5-65-18-W4, 1915 - ?
  • Meanook #3105: 31-64-22-W4, 1914 - ?
  • Mercury #4849: 21-68-22-W4, 1939- 1958
  • Monticello #4374: SE 3-66-19-W4, 1928 - ?
  • Moose River #4366: 22-72-2-W5, 1928 - ?
  • Narrow Lake #4546: 4-65-24-W4, 1931- ?
  • Nelson #4814: 21-66-14-W4, 1938 - 1952
  • New Pine Creek #4473: 30-63-21-W4, 1930 - ?
  • Noral #4692: 28-65-16-W4, 1935 - ?
  • Otter Creek #4871: SE 4-72-25-W4, 1940 - 1954
  • Owl River #4526: 28-68-13-W4, 1930 - ?
  • Parkhurst #2645: NE 12-67-21-W4, 1912 - ?
  • Perryvale #4390: 3-63-23-W4, 1929 - ?
  • Plamondon# 2696: 2-68-16-W4, 1912 - ?
  • Plum Lake #2815: 5-65-20-W4, 1912 - 1948
  • Quebec #3989: 17-67-17-W4
  • Ranch #4708: 27-70-26-W4, 1935- 1945
  • Rich Lake #4526: 5-64-11-W4, 1928 - ?
  • Richmond Park #4280: NW 14-45-1-W5, 1908 - ?
  • Rochester #3267: SW 24-62-24-W4, 1915 - 1954
  • Rochester East #4290: NW 23-62-23-W4, 1928 - 1953
  • Rocky Island #4536: NE 28-64-11-W4, 1930 - 1949
  • Rocky Ridge #4919 (Clover View): 32-67-21-W4, 1945
  • Rodgers Chapter #3159: 5-65-22-W4, 1914 - ?
  • Sarrail #4001: NW 32-66-18-W4, 1920 - 1943
  • Silver Fox #3273: 32-65-20-W4, 1915 - ?
  • Slough Valley #3689: 8-62-24-W4, 1918 - ?
  • Smith #3792: 23-71-1-W5, 1919 - ?
  • Smoky Creek #4636: NE 16-71-26-W4, 1934 - ?
  • South Athabasca 2768: SE 36-65-22-W4, 1912 - ?
  • South Noral #4781: 18-65-16-W4, 1937 - ?
  • Springfield #4286: ?
  • Spruce Park #4618: 18-69-12-W4, 1933 - ?
  • Spruce Valley #4652: NE 10-68-19-W4, 1934 - 1952
  • Ste. Cecile #3377 (Normandeau): 13-64-12-W4, 1910
  • Sunshine Valley #3109: SE 14-72-26-W4, 1914 - ?
  • Tawatinaw #2473 (Golden Sunset): 26-61-24-W4, 1913 - ?
  • Toles #2895: 22-66-20-W4, 1913 - ?
  • Trieste #4101(Hylo): 4-66-15-W4, 1922 - ?
  • Twin Spruce #4864: SW 27-66-17-W4, 1939 - 1953
  • Venice #4102: 11-66-15-W4, 1922 - 1955
  • Vincent #4255: 23-64-22-W4, 1926 - ?
  • Warren #3265: 3-65-19-W4, 1915 - ?
  • West Athabasca #3110: 23-66-23-W4, 1914 - ?
  • White Clover #4777: 7-64-24-W4, 1937 - ?
  • Willow Flat #4668: SW 7-68-19W4, 1935 - 1948
  • Willow Ridge #3292: 36-63-24-W4, 1924- ?
  • Winding Trail #4544: 20-66-24-W4, 1931 - ?, and
  • Youngville #3261: 29-68-23-W4, 1918 - 1953.
County of Athabasca No. 12
Oscar Green fonds
PR2467 · Fonds · 1988

The fonds consists of a transcript copy of an interview created and conducted by Mildred Phillips in 1988 with Oscar Green. The transcript documents Oscar Green's life as a boat hand, and trapper in Northern Alberta and the Northwest Territories in the 1920's and 1930's. The transcript details lakes, rivers, and modes of travel throughout the region.

Green, Oscar
Leonard C.S. Howard fonds
PR2512 · Fonds · 1905-1930

The fonds consists of images most likely taken by Leonard C. S. Howard featuring scenes, individuals, dwellings, and activities in Edmonton, Gull Lake, Lacombe, Peace River, Slave Lake, Swan River, Winnipeg, and the Athabasca River dating from 1905. The fonds also contains correspondence, including letters to Florence Wilson from Leonard Howard from before their marriage.

Howard, Leonard C.S.
PR2546 · Fonds · 1909 - 1921

The fonds consists of images related to D.C Cranston's life in Alberta and features images of the staging area of Burnsites on their way to Beaverlodge, Alberta, Athabasca Landing, a wagon overturned on the trail, cutting wood, the S.S. Northern Light on Lessler Slave Lake, a wagon boarding the ferry at the Peace River Crossing, the first home of Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Smith, the first post office at Lake Saskatoon, the second annual sports day at Lake Saskatoon, the first wedding in Beaverlodge, the Beaverlodge baseball team, a log cabin, Ralph Carrel and Jake Glesnet at Grande Prairie.

The fonds also comprises photographs related to Maud Clifford including images featuring the first church at Spirit River, the Anglican mission house at Spirit River, the Hudson's Bay Company post at Dunvegan, the Roman Catholic Church at Bear Creek, and the home of Rev. Alexander Forbes at Flying Shot Lake.

The fonds also includes photographs featuring the Beaverlodge Experimental Farm including photographs featuring the experimental; and images featuring the Beaverlodge region including images featuring a picnic day, picking currents, binding grain, the first automobile to reach Grande Prairie from Edmonton over the Edson Trail, a cutter constructer on the front bob of a sleigh, and sunflowers. The photographs date from 1909 to 1921.

Canada. Agriculture Canada. Research Station (Beaverlodge, Alta.)
Marian Little fonds
PR2614 · Fonds · 1911 - 1913

The fonds consists of postcards featuring scenes on the Athabasca River including York Boats, boatmen, and Grand Rapids dating from 1911 to 1912. The fonds also includes a photograph of Robert Little and his horse, Laddie, in 1913.

Little, Marian
Wes Mattie collection
PR2641 · Collection · 1911 - 1967

The collection consists of records pertaining the Edson Kinsmen Centennial Trail Ride including images documenting the journey, research materials related to the journey, correspondence, reports, publications recounting the journey dating from 1966 - 1967 as well as original photographs from a journey on the Edson Grande Prairie Trail dating from 1912; materials related to the centennial celebration commemorating bush pilots including clippings from The Edmonton Journal, and photographs capturing the celebration dating from 1967; and materials pertaining to the Athabasca to Edmonton trail ride dating from 1966 including Wes Mattie's notebook, a typed log of the trip, newspaper clippings, and images from the journey.

There are also 21 slides of Nordegg, Alberta taken in 1964.

Mattie, Wes
Achilles Schmid fonds
PR2783 · Fonds · 1912, Copied 1967

The fonds consists of photographs taken during Achilles Schmid's travels down the Athabasca River in 1912. The photographs feature images of Athabasca Landing, limestone, First Nations, rapids, Athabasca Valley, a moose hunt, a portage, boat travel, an oil derrick, Pelican Rapids, tar sands, Fort McMurray, the Athabasca Oil Company, Hudson's Bay Company scows, dog teams, wintery landscapes, Calling Lake, a school house at Lac La Biche, the Northwest Mounted Police Station at Lac La Biche, and settlers of Lac La Biche. The fonds also includes photographs and negatives copied by the Provincial Archives of Alberta for the purpose of displaying the material in the Achilles Schmid fonds.

Schmid, Achilles
PR2796 · Fonds · [ca.1930 - 1950], copied 1996

The fonds consists of images of the Athabasca area dating from the 1930s and the 1940s, and Clergy at Dunvegan in 1935, the Clergy at St. John's Anglican church at Fort McMurray in 1936, and a booklet and clipping commemorating the career of Reverend Frank Edward Smith. The fonds also includes 47 postcards collected by the Smith's as well as a souvenir booklet from Waterton, Alberta dating from the 1950s and a souvenir booklet of the Rocky Mountains dating from the 1940s featuring 24 hand tinted photogravures.

Smith, Frank Edward and Evelyn
Town of Athabasca fonds
PR2844 · Fonds · 1898 - 1950

The fonds consists of minutes, cashbooks receipts and disbursements, assessments and tax rolls, and tax enforcement returns of the Town of Athabasca dating from 1903 to 1950. The fonds also includes cash book receipts and disbursements for Athabasca School District No. 839 (17-66-22-W4, 1903) dating from 1944. In addition, the fonds contains 3 plans documenting the development of Athabasca Landing dating from 1898 to 1907.

The fonds also includes photographs capturing images of Athabasca dating from the early part of the 20th century. Images include Hudson's Bay Company stores, football, hockey, curling, parades, caribou, scows, Stopping Creek Bridge, dog teams, threshing machines, paddle-wheelers, Canadian National Railways, military recruits, W.R. Day and his domesticated moose at the Edmonton Exhibition, fur trappers and traders, and panoramic views of Athabasca. The fonds also contains images of the following individuals: Tom Black, Colin Fraser, Mr. H. Mullins, Rayner Whitely, Father Desmarais, Robert Vance, Albert Alexander Greer, and Louis Menard.

The fonds also includes materials related to the production of "The Athabasca Story", including an account of the history of Athabasca produced for the Town of Athabasca's Jubilee celebration, photographs, two film reels, and six audio reels.

Town of Athabasca
Walter Harvey Dunworth fonds
PR2863 · Fonds · 1898-1899

The fonds consists of a diary documenting Walter Harvey Dunworth's attempt to reach the Klondike from 1898 - 1899.

Dunworth, Walter Harvey
PR2947 · Fonds · 1971

The fonds consists of a commemorative sticker created by the Athabasca Chamber of Commerce celebrating the 60th Anniversary of Athabasca in 1971.

Athabasca District Chamber of Commerce
PR3006 · Fonds · 1908 - 1971

The fonds consists of materials reflecting the life of Alice Gertrude Bannerman and includes a booklet of verses Alice Gertrude Bannerman composed in honor of Canada's centennial in 1967; an oral history recording of Alice Gertrude Bannerman recalling her father's (Bishop William Day Reeve) life and role as Bishop of Mackenzie River; and copies of issues No. 1 and No. 3 of the first newspaper in Athabasca Landing, the Northern Light dating from 1908.

Bannerman, Alice Gertrude
Charles McLaughlin fonds
PR3079 · Fonds · Copied 1970

The fonds consists of 113 photographs originating from Charles McLaughlin's family photograph albums circa 1911 to 1957. The fonds features images of plowing, the Athabasca River, Jarvis Creek, the McLaughlin home, deer, a hunting party, pack horses, the McLeod River, mountain goats, caribou, cars, Peace Country, scows, canoes, Athabasca, First Nations peoples, Grouard, Sawridge, the Hart River, the Revillon Brothers' Store, and missionary sites.

McLaughlin, Charles E.
Eileen Paris fonds
PR3100 · Fonds · [193? - 194?]

The fonds consists of materials pertaining to Eileen Paris' missionary work with the Athabasca Diocese and includes images of Sunday School Outdoors, the Sunday School Caravan, church buildings at Big Coulee, the environment of Athabasca, a residential school, and First Nations dating from the 1930s and 1940s.

Paris, Eileen
PR3146 · Fonds · 1970

The fonds consists of a recording capturing a talk Charles J. Rayner gave to the Historical Society of Alberta in 1970. The recording discusses freighting and logging on the Athabasca River, the Klondike Gold Rush, and his family's arrival in Edmonton in 1885.

Whiteley, Charles J. Rayner
Ian Paterson collection
PR3221 · Collection · [ca.1911] - 1938

The fonds consists of images of scenes in Alberta acquired by Ian Paterson including Big Island on the North Saskatchewan in 1926, Athabasca Landing Ferry in 1926, the Peace River Highway in 1931, a ferry on the North Saskatchewan River at Strawberry Creek in 1931, the Town of Athabasca in 1932, the Ghost River Dam in 1938, and the Calgary-Edmonton Highway near Bowden in 1938.

The fonds also contains copies of photographic postcards acquired by Ian Paterson dating from the early part of the 20th century. The postcards feature images of Alberta including the Red Deer River Crossing of the Canadian National Railways (CNR) at Drumheller, the Hanna CNR station, the Athabasca River Bridge, the Beaver Bridge at Bonnyville, "Big Eddy", "Steveville", the CNR Station at Alliance, the St. Albert Hotel, Saunders Creek, a pack train at Edson, a bridge at Wabamun, the CNR depot at Jasper, the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) at Lethbridge, the Athabasca River bridge, the Brazeau Collieries at Nordegg, and the Town of Wayne.

Paterson, Ian
Frank Badura fonds
PR3375 · Fonds · 1927-1933

The fonds consists of photographs of work sites in the Athabasca region, camp kitchens, various modes of transport (cars, river boats, pontoon and ice planes, ice vehicles, row boats, etc.), work equipment, and images of Frank and Mary Badura with unidentified colleagues. Many of the photographs are identified (some in English and others in Czech) and dated.

Badura, Frank
PR3900 · Fonds · 1911

The fonds consists of a photo album containing 100 photographs of the Humphrey and Tupper Survey Party and their work in the Peace River and Athabasca regions. The photographs depict crew members, camp sites, trading posts, pack trains, communities, and rafting.

Humphrey and Tupper Survey Party
PR3962 · Collection · 1872-1929

The collection contains a variety of materials, purchased from Academic Books in five purchases over a decade. The collection includes an unpublished manuscript (1908) written by Alexander MacKenzie on the Peace River District covering the years 1793-1908. The next is a typed letter from R.B. Bennet to John Stocks (1905), the then-Deputy Commissioner of Public Works of the North-West Territories (which included present-day Alberta and Saskatchewan at the time). This letter concerned the rising waters that were beginning to circumvent the Elbow River Bridge in Calgary.

Other records include North-West Territories Gazettes (Volume 18, Numbers 7-14, 1901), a HBC census record of the Saskatchewan District (1872), a HBC census record from the Athabasca District (1873), and a small ledger book used in Dunvegan with several pages at the end used by a child to practice letters and drawing (1891-1925). Attached to the census of the Athabasca District is also a document noting the “division of the Chipewyan Nation” according to the Census taken.

Academic Books (Vancouver)
PR3986 · Collection · 1880-1989

The collection is composed mostly of maps of Alberta, but also includes some Canadian atlases, an honors essay on Athabasca Landing, and a rural directory. There are also some maps of Western Canada (which include Alberta).

There are several types of maps in this collection, including topographic, cadastral (maps showing the extent, value, and ownership of land), and orthophotos (maps based on aerial photos, modified to have a uniform scale). Some examples of the types of maps included are those made to accompany the “Half-Breed Commission” (the formal process that distributed scrip to Métis families and individuals), property and taxation maps of Alberta cities, a map of the Klondike, and park maps, among others.

Library and Archives Canada
PR3996 · Fonds · 1858-2013, predominant 1870-1990

The fonds consists of records relating to the canonical and the civil administration and operation of the Anglican Church, Diocese of Athabasca. The fonds includes baptismal, marriage and burial registers, accounts of various parishes, residential schools, as well as correspondence files and diocesan accounts, newsletters and journals, meeting minutes, diaries of missionaries, photos, correspondence between missions, histories, biographies, and maps.

Anglican Church of Canada. Diocese of Athabasca