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GR1966.0166/37 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1897
Parte de Attorney General central filing system records

This file discusses the condemned convict “Charcoal” (also known as Pah-cah-pah-ne-cappy or Bad Young Man), who was sentenced to death for murder. It contains telegraphs and letters describing the legal proceedings of Charcoal’s sentencing, details of the crime and confirmation of the sentence.

Indian Development Conference
GR1983.0223/265 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1970-1973
Parte de Attorney General central filing system records

The file consists of information on Indian Development Conferences. In particular, it includes memoranda and correspondence between the Indian Association of Alberta and the Attorney General’s Department. It also includes information on the Alberta Indian Development Conference (1970, Edmonton) and the Annual Provincial Meeting (1973, Hay Lakes).

Unidad documental compuesta · 1985-1991
Parte de Belmont Correctional Centre operational records

The accession consists of records from the Belmont Correctional Centre relating to various programs and issues such as Indigenous offenders, incidents, contracts, complaints, parole programs, training and financial information concerning the Centre. It also contains correspondence from the Solicitor General, Correctional Services Division, and various Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) detachments.

PR1982.0165/114 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1975
Parte de Don Getty fonds