Showing 14 results

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Associated Refineries, Wainwright.
Associated Refineries, Wainwright.
Barrels of oil being shipped to University of Alberta Lab for testing from Wainwright.
Barrels of oil being shipped to University of Alberta Lab for testing from Wainwright.
British Petroleum Ltd. B.P. Well #2, Wainwright.
British Petroleum Ltd. B.P. Well #2, Wainwright.
British Petroleum Ltd. B.P. Well #3, Wainwright.
British Petroleum Ltd. B.P. Well #3, Wainwright.
British Petroleum Ltd. B.P. Well #3, Wainwright.
British Petroleum Ltd. B.P. Well #3, Wainwright.
British Petroleum Ltd. B.P. Well #3, Wainwright, Came in 18 July 1925.
British Petroleum Ltd. B.P. Well #3, Wainwright, Came in 18 July 1925.
British Petroleum Ltd. B.P. Well #4, Wainwright.
British Petroleum Ltd. B.P. Well #4, Wainwright.
British Petroleum Oil Field, Wainwright.
British Petroleum Oil Field, Wainwright.
Fabyan Petroleum #1 blowing in, Wainwright.
Fabyan Petroleum #1 blowing in, Wainwright.
Fabyan Petroleum #2 (Imperial #1) oil well, Wainwright.
Fabyan Petroleum #2 (Imperial #1) oil well, Wainwright.
First car load of crude oil shipped from Wainwright by British Petroleum Limited via Canadian National Railway for testing purposes.
First car load of crude oil shipped from Wainwright by British Petroleum Limited via Canadian National Railway for testing purposes.
Imperial Oil Limited, Fabyan Well, [Wainwright].
Imperial Oil Limited, Fabyan Well, [Wainwright].
Lorne Kinghorn fonds
Lorne Kinghorn fonds
National Exploration Oil Well #1 blowing in, Wainwright.
National Exploration Oil Well #1 blowing in, Wainwright.