The fonds is composed of records from the experiences and interests of Carol and Robert Snyder, and this includes some publications and research materials. These include the Clear Lake Chronicle newspaper from 2006-2012, a newsletter from the town of Viking (AB) from October 1, 1993, and typed research notes on the history of the Piggly Wiggly Corporation in Alberta. Other collected records were used during research and these include a minute book from the Viking Cooperative Creamery (1909-1914) and a box of records on the Piggly Wiggly Corporation from the Alberta Corporate Registry.
The photographs in the fonds include those from Bob Snyder’s visits to Harbin, China in 1985-1986 on behalf of the Edmonton Economic Group, during which he visited the site of a proposed dam. Most of these photographs are within a photo album but there are other loose photographs from this trip. Robert Snyder also donated records from several other trips, including a journal covering his travels during his Harbin trip, several records from his trip to the Canadian Arctic and Greenland in 2013, and several more from his 2014 trip to Antarctica.
The fonds also includes some other textual and photographic records, with collected records of and from the Bruce, Hall, and Snyder families. These are sorted by people and sections are partially in chronological order. Several copies of history books, largely on dairy history, written by Robert Snyder are also found in the fonds.