Missions and missionaries

Elements area



Scope note(s)

  • When possible, use Missions and missionaries subdivision under specific religion or sect

Source note(s)

  • http://purl.org/paash#sh003754

Display note(s)

    Hierarchical terms

    Missions and missionaries

      Equivalent terms

      Missions and missionaries

      • UF Evangelists

      Associated terms

      Missions and missionaries

        3 Archival description results for Missions and missionaries

        3 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
        John Gilpin fonds
        PR1104 · Fonds · 1914-1956

        Fonds consists of records mainly pertaining to the Northern Alberta Railways Company (NAR), Canadian Pacific Railway Company (CPR), and Edmonton, Dunvegan and British Columbia Railway (ED&BC), and other railway companies and includes copied menus dating 1920, operation manuals, blank report forms, trainmen’s wages and merit tickets, a conductor’s ticket report book, and photographs, copied photographs and negatives depicting various railroad cars, locomotives, employees, trackage, accidents and stations in various parts of Alberta, including Peace River, Dunvegan Yards, Edmonton, Waterways, Grouard, Sexsmith, Watino, Grand Prairie, Sawridge, Smoky River, Nordegg, McLennan, Slave lake, Lesser Slave Lake, Widewater, Dog Island, and Salteaux Landing. Fonds also includes images of Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) boats and trading posts, tennis players, coal mine employees, buildings, equipment and machinery at Nordegg, Alberta, hotels, street views, sawmills, missions, houses, and a Dominion Land Office.

        Gilpin, John
        Doug Babcock fonds
        PR0943 · Fonds · Copied 1974

        Fonds consists of copied photographs that date from circa (ca.) 1848-1922, predominantly 1901-1922, that depict various people, buildings, and views in Chipewyn, Sawridge, Slave Lake, Fort Vermilion, Athabasca Landing, and Fort McMurray, Alberta including a Royal North West Mounted Police (RNWMP) officer, paddle steamers, Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) boats, a government telegraph office, log cabins, street views, a sawmill, a cemetery, school teachers, and missionaries.

        Babcock, Doug
        Rita Stevens fonds
        PR2008 · Fonds · Copied 1979

        The fonds consists of copies of a brief biography of Robert Watt Lendrum, and an autobiography entitled "Biography of Pioneer Days" by Mrs. A.L. Brick (Sarah Brock Lendrum), and images, originally dating from the 1890s to 1954 from the Old Slave Lake, Lesser Slave Lake and Peace River areas, primarily from the Brick family's early days in the area, including images of log buildings, horses, carts, trails, dog sleds, mission, Métis, camps, police barracks, threshing machines, students, farms and members of the Brick family.

        Stevens, Rita