The fonds consists of copies of a brief biography of Robert Watt Lendrum, and an autobiography entitled "Biography of Pioneer Days" by Mrs. A.L. Brick (Sarah Brock Lendrum), and images, originally dating from the 1890s to 1954 from the Old Slave Lake, Lesser Slave Lake and Peace River areas, primarily from the Brick family's early days in the area, including images of log buildings, horses, carts, trails, dog sleds, mission, Métis, camps, police barracks, threshing machines, students, farms and members of the Brick family.
Stevens, RitaElements area
Scope note(s)
- When possible, use Missions and missionaries subdivision under specific religion or sect
Source note(s)
Display note(s)
Hierarchical terms
Missions and missionaries
Equivalent terms
Missions and missionaries
- UF Evangelists