Telegraph -- Lines

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      Telegraph -- Lines

      Término General Telegraph

      Telegraph -- Lines

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        Telegraph -- Lines

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          Telegraph -- Lines

            1 Descripción archivística results for Telegraph -- Lines

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            PR4310 · Fondo · 1967-2019

            The fonds consists of administrative and operational records from the EDHS, especially from the 1990s to the 2010s. Records include promotional material for events such as Edmonton Doors Open and Heritage Festival, newsletters, board minutes, annual reports, grant applications, annual general meeting reports, correspondence, outreach material such as pamphlets and programs, and special events records. There are also manuscripts on topics related to telegraph lines and bridge design and construction in the Edmonton area, photo albums of EDHS events, discs with administrative/operational files, and files on topics related to the Rossdale burial ground and the David Thompson bicentennial.

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